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University & Professional Development

Download University & Professional Development prospectus

The course covers core areas of wide-ranging disciplines that will benefit you either as you progress to higher levels of study or in the workplace.

You will learn about how businesses work. You will be introduced to the marketing and people functions. Furthermore, you will also explore how business finance and operations work, and understand the impact of external influences. In addition, you will learn about ethics and sustainability within business.

Whilst there are no formal academic requirements for this course, a Level 2 qualification in English and Maths is advisable and will be required for entrance to university. Find out more about Maths and English qualifications offered at the college.

Timetabled days

Tuesday and Wednesday from 9am to 5pm.

Evening option from 6pm to 9pm: Tue (Evening), Wed (Evening), Thu (Evening)

What the course includes

A number of different assessments are used on the Access course. These include essay writing; presentations; time-controlled assessments; an e-portfolio of Higher Education Study Skills; and an Independent Research Project. These assessments will develop your academic skills in line with university expectations ensuring a smooth transition into degree level study programmes.

The specific modules you will undertake are:

  • Introduction to Law
  • Business Maths
  • The Business Environment
  • Higher Education Study Skills
  • Financial Awareness
  • Business and Employment Law
  • Ethics in Business
  • Marketing an Organisation
  • Management and Leadership
  • Managing People
  • Human Resource Management
  • Sustainability in Business
  • Independent Research Project

Where will this course take me?

The course can take you to study our UEA validated Business and Management BA(Hons) course here at USWSC and to most other universities across the country (subject to entry requirements)

Potential career paths following the course and or degree programme include: 

  • Business Management
  • Career Paths - Retail Management, Business Analyst, Project Management, Estate Agency.
  • Marketing
  • Career Paths - Market Researcher, Brand Manager, Public Relations, Product Developer, Digital Marketing, Social Media Analyst.
  • Human Resources
  • Career Paths - Recruitment Consultant, HR Officer, Training and Development Officer.
  • Events Management
  • Career Paths - Program Manager, Events Manager, Sponsorship Coordinator, Exhibition Coordinator, Funeral Director.

What students say

Amy Volkert

Access to Higher Education in Business Management

Amy is now the Enterprise and Entrepreneurship Manager at the University of Suffolk having graduated from our own degree here at West Suffolk College achieving a first-class honours degree in Business and Management.  Amy provided the statement below:

"After many years, going back into education was nerve-racking, and I had negative self-belief regarding my academic capabilities. This was soon put to rest and after the first day, I realised this learning experience was going to completely different. The team of lecturers on the Business Access Course are dedicated to supporting all students and their individual needs. The lecturers are so friendly, encouraging, and supportive.  The Access Course helped me to build my confidence and believe in myself and my ability. Topics within the Access Course cover many business facets. This gave me an insight into the area of study I wanted to focus my degree. It has also helped me develop practical skills to take into the workplace.

"Taking the Access Course allowed me to build an underpinning knowledge of the syllabus content on my degree course. The course prepared me not only for the information delivered but also to successfully research the correct studies and articles necessary to complete assignments, reports, and essays. As I had already learned to structure documents and use academic referencing, this gave me a head start, and I felt confident going into my degree. I was able to focus solely on content.

"The College offer extra support with studies, for example, proof-reading, structuring documents and researching information. I would highly recommend the Access route as the courses are designed over two days to allow students to study alongside other commitments.   I feel that taking the Access course was one of the best decisions I have ever made."

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