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Download 16-18 prospectus

University & Professional Development

Download University & Professional Development prospectus

West Suffolk College has a combined Estates and Procurement team. The team provide guidance and support to the College in relation to all procurement matters. The team manage all tenders, processing of purchase orders, creating and updating procurement strategies and working with suppliers to deliver value for money for the benefit of our students. 

Contact details

If you are interested in becoming a supplier to the West Suffolk College, please email:

Estates and Procurement Department 

West Suffolk College
Out Risbygate
Bury St Edmunds
IP33 3RL

Telephone: 01284 716301


Preferred Supplier to West Suffolk College 

West Suffolk College operates a preferred supplier list created by tendering its requirements for goods and services for a specific period of time. All other purchases must conform to the College Financial Regulations, which indicate how many quotations need to be obtained depending on the value of the procurement.

The College uses two main methods to purchase goods and services.

  • Official Purchase Orders
  • College Mastercard Purchasing Cards

Suppliers must not accept an order from West Suffolk College until they receive an official purchase order number, which must be quoted on invoices.

West Suffolk College also uses framework agreements set up by Central Purchasing Bodies/Consortiums such as ESPO and Crescent Purchasing Consortium.

While the College will decide which framework agreement (if any) best meets our requirements, agreements set up by the Crescent Purchasing Consortium are mainly used.
