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Work placements are a mandatory part of every course at West Suffolk College. There is a dedicated Work Placement team who can offer you guidance, support and provide details on your specific course requirements.

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How does a work placement benefit me?

  • Gives you the opportunity to develop your industry knowledge
  • Learn critical employability skills needed for real working conditions
  • Build relevant industry contacts 
  • Develop character strengths 

What are Industry Placements? 

Industry Placements are a longer form of placement in a working environment directly relevant to your course. You will have the opportunity to transfer the skills you learn in the classroom into a real working environment and gain a high-quality experience in your chosen industry. You will be expected to complete 315 hours over your two-year course which could lead to progression, paid employment, or an apprenticeship. 

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Q: Do I have to do a placement?

A: Yes. Work Placements are now a mandatory part of your course.  If you have any concerns, please speak to your WPO.

Q: How many hours will I have to do and in what type of placement?

A: Hours and placement types will be specific to the course and level you are studying – for more information please speak to your Course Director or WPO.

Q: How do I get to my placement?

A: You are responsible for the travel arrangements to your chosen employer, however if you need support with this please speak to your WPO.

Q: Can I use my part-time job as my placement?

A: Yes, you can but only if it is relevant to your chosen industry and has been confirmed by your Course Director and WPO.

Q: How are placements tracked and logged?

A: We use an online system called Grofar. You will be trained on how to use it by your Work Placement Officer at the start of term.

Q: I have forgotten how to log in and use Grofar, what do I need to do?

A: Grofar - Welcome


T Levels OOH 2 570x1013

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Instagram: @wscplacements | Twitter: @wscplacements

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