How many days a week are these Supported Learning Pathways?
The following Supported Learning Pathways are each delivered over 4 days a week: Pathway to Adulthood, Learning for Work and Pathway to Employment.
For information on Pathway to College, Pathway to Achieve and Supported Internship programmes, please see their FAQ sections.
What is a typical day like on a Supported Learning Pathway?
A typical day may look different depending on which Pathway you are following.
All students are welcomed into college and settled into their day with a small group tutorial in the morning before they are supported to undertake a range of accessible and engaging tasks, activities and projects which focus on building learning, life and work skills.
Please view our SEND Pathways video and booklet to gain further insight into each of our Supported Learning Pathways.
What are the start and finish times of a typical day in Supported Learning?
Supported Learning students on Pathway to Adulthood, Learning for Work and Pathway to Employment are met and welcomed into college at 9.00am in the morning via the Supported Learning entrance into Minden House.
Students on these Pathways finish their day at 2.45pm and are supported to finish their day safely, leave Minden House via the Supported Learning exit and meet the identified person collecting them, their transport or, if travelling independently, confirm arrangements and make their way to their home or accommodation.
How many weeks over an academic year are students in?
The following Pathways are delivered 4 days per week: Pathway to Adulthood, Learning for Work and Pathway to Employment.
Students break for two weeks at half-terms and the college year finishes at the end of June.
We encourage students to take advantage of opportunities in their local communities on their days off and during the holidays.
For details on Pathway to Achieve, Pathway to College and Supported Internship programmes, please see their FAQ sections.
Is there support over lunchtime?
Yes, Supported Learning students have Learning Support Assistants to ensure their needs are met all the way through the day.
What do students learn on Supported Learning Pathways?
Students will further develop their Maths and English, independence, community, employability, and personal and social skills.
The learning plans for each student are co-created by students and staff working together in order to shape individual learning journeys towards future goals that are important and meaningful to the student.
Please view our SEND Pathways video and booklet to gain further insight into each of our Supported Learning Pathways.
What next steps and progression route can Supported Learning Pathways lead to?
Pathway to Adulthood focuses on enabling students to develop the skills they need to go on to live as independently as possible in the future.
Learning for Work students, once they display they are ready for their next step, usually progress onto Pathway to Employment.
Pathway to Employment students who have been able to positively engage with employers over work experience placements, may feel ready for a Supported Internship. Others may, if they feel confident and display readiness, move onto a mainstream FE course.
For information on Pathway to College and Pathway to Achieve and Supported Internship programmes, please see their FAQ sections.