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University & Professional Development

Download University & Professional Development prospectus

The course covers the academic subjects of History, Psychology and English literature and modules are designed to support and develop shared topics and themes. 

Applicants should have an interest in English, History and Psychology and be prepared for nine months study. Whilst there are no formal academic requirements for this course, a Level 2 qualification in English is advisable. The Access to HE programmes of study are of A Level standard, and while there are no formal entry requirements for this course, we must ensure at interview that applicants have a good chance of success. Please be aware that a Level 2 maths qualification will also be required for university entrance.Find out more about Maths and English qualifications offered at the college.

Timetabled days

Monday and Thursday from 9am to 5pm.

Evening option from 6pm to 9pm: Tue (Evening), Wed (Evening), Thu (Evening)

What the course includes

A number of different assessments are used on the Access course. These include essay writing; presentations; time-controlled assessments; an e-portfolio of Higher Education Study Skills; and an Independent Research Project. These assessments will develop your academic skills in line with university expectations ensuring a smooth transition into degree level study programmes.

  • The History strand will explore topics as diverse as WWI and nineteenth-century prostitution. Student learning is supported by extracurricular trips to local heritage centres.
  • The English strand will investigate a range of literary forms including prose, poetry and drama; units will examine topics such as modern prose fiction, Shakespearean drama and WWI poetry.
  • The Psychology strand will focus on a range of topics and will familiarise students with insights into mental health behaviours, memory, and social processes, such as group behaviour, and obedience and conformity.  Along with this, students will develop key research skills essential to studying Psychology at degree level.
  • Students will gain university level study skills including research skills, critical thinking and referencing.
  • There is the opportunity to complete an individual research project in the student’s own area of interest.

Where will this course take me?

The course can take you to study our UEA validated History and English BA(Hons) course here at USWSC and to most other universities across the country (subject to entry requirements)This course is a recognised pathway into Teaching, Heritage industry, Management, civil service, Library services, Journalism, Legal professions and many other Higher Education degree programmes. It is designed to meet the needs of learners who may not have had the opportunity to enter higher education earlier in their lives. 

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