Throughout the year students and businesses and diversity leads, that have shown excellence in areas of equality and diversity, have received awards apart of Place21 and West Suffolk Colleges EDI initiative.
Watch out for more events and awards coming soon.
Our National Champions
West Suffolk College is delighted that our National Champion ambassadors are working with our partner colleges, to support our students and staff alongside equality and diversity. If you are a business or National Lead that would like to work with our EDI team, please email
Nathan Geering
National Champion for Disabilities
Meet Nathan Geering, Artistic and Creator Rationale theatre company, was the Creative Director of the Special Olympics 2017, has been pioneering research into the unlikely link between hip-hop visual impairment and in 2015 created Raitonale method, enhancing the ability by renovating audio description is on boarding sounds to support soundscape for people with visual impairment.
Ruel Fox
National Champion for Race
Meet Ruel our National Champion for Race, Ruel is an ex professional football player for the likes of Tottenham, Ipswich Town plus many more. Ruel since his retirement is business owner of a Sports Bootcamp enterprise that’s based in Suffolk and a advocate, on racism in sports.