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People and skills are among businesses top priorities. And a most pressing policy issue is diversity in the workplace. Businesses increasingly believe they are best served by creating inclusive workplaces that allow talent from all backgrounds to flourish.

Recent data from the Office for National Statistics states that only 7% of people with a learning disability are currently in paid employment.

Yet, according to another recent study, consumers prefer companies that hire people with disabilities.

Supporting one person with Special Educational Needs into employment could, in addition to improving independence and self-esteem, increase that person’s income by between 55% and 95% and reduce lifetime support costs to the public by £1 million.

Bridging the gap between education and employment

Our supported internships programme is for young people aged 16-24 who have additional needs with an Education and Health Care Plan (EHCP). They want to progress into employment but just need some additional support to do so.

The programme gives them the opportunity to gain valuable work experience, to improve their English, maths and employability skills, and if possible achieve a work-based qualification.

Internships last for six months to a year, based on a minimum of two days a week in employment, and one day off-the-job training at the West Suffolk College. No wages cost to the employer whilst on the programme.

Preparing interns for employment

Before joining the programme, candidates will have work preparation support to enable them to engage in the initial demands of real job conditions. We ensure interns skills, strengths and abilities match the job requirements and help to find the most suitable job.

On-the-job training and support

Our skilled Employability Coaches are on hand to ensure both the employer’s and the young person’s individual needs are met. We arrange regular progress monitoring to ensure realistic targets and goals can be met.

The tasks they perform in work should fulfil a genuine business need and be a productive contribution to the business. The work placement also creates potential mentoring or supervisory opportunities for existing employees.

Our employability coaches will be on hand to help with all aspects of learning new tasks and building working relationships.

More information

If you would like to find out more about the Supported Internship Programme please contact

Fill out the form below or email Rhian King:

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