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University & Professional Development

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Level 3

The diploma allows learners to undertake study related to engineering, maths and science topics. Learners will have the opportunity to develop skills which will enable progression to a range of degree level programmes. The mandatory units include a mixture of Study Skills, Preparation for HE, Engineering, and Physics.

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The diploma allows learners to undertake study related to forensics and criminology topics.  Learners will have the opportunity to develop skills which will enable progression to a range of degree level programme. The mandatory units include a mixture of science-based units, which will support forensic topics, and basic criminology units. These include: Crime Statistics, Forensic Investigation Procedures, Forensic Science and Introduction to Criminology.


Many learners join degrees related to forensics and criminology after following A level study, so the diploma will place the Access to HE learners on a level with those who have followed A level studies.


You will also cover maths, statistics, and study skills as well as an individual Research Project.   The course will give you the opportunity to develop a range of skills that will be essential for progression to university.  

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Whatever your background and however complicated and busy your life may be, there is always a way back into education.

Access to Higher Education courses are a great starting point to retrain for a new and exciting career or get the degree that you promised yourself. Access to Higher Education makes it possible.

Designed for students aged 19 and over, these courses lead to a 60 credit Level 3 Diploma and are a flexible alternative to A Levels. The qualifications are widely recognised by UK universities and earn up to 144 UCAS points.

If you are not sure that you a ready to take the step to apply for an Access to Higher Education full year programme, why not join our fully funded 12 week Pre-Access course, to brush up on your study skills and get ready to get back into education.

This course provides a recognised route to higher education courses for Physiotherapy, Radiography, Paramedic Science, Speech and Language Therapy and other science-based health care programmes. It may also lead to higher education degree courses in areas such as Operating Department Practice and Biomedical Science.

Whilst there are no formal academic requirements for this course, a Level 2 qualification in English and Maths is advisable and will be required for entrance to university. Find out more about Maths and English qualifications offered at the college.


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Qualification type Level 3 Diploma
Duration 2 years
Study times You will be expected to be in college for a minimum of 3 days per week, from 9:15 to 4:00. Your timetable will be confirmed at induction.
Entry requirements

5 GCSEs at grade 5 or above including Science, Maths and English

Campus West Suffolk College Sixth Form Campus, Bury St Edmunds
Work placements 50 hours per year.

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Qualification type Level 3 Diploma
Duration 2 years
Study times You will be expected to be in college for a minimum of 3 days per week, from 9:15 to 4:00. Your timetable will be confirmed at induction.
Entry requirements

Maths and English grade 5. Combined Science 66 or Triple Science 5 in Biology, Chemistry and Physics.

Campus West Suffolk College Sixth Form Campus, Bury St Edmunds
Work placements 40 hours

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