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University & Professional Development

Download University & Professional Development prospectus

Quick facts

Qualification type City & Guilds Advanced technical diploma level 3
Duration 1 year
Study times You will be expected to be in college for a  minimum of 3 days per week, from 9:00 to 4:00. Your timetable will be confirmed at induction. 
Entry requirements

Entry by interview, case by case basis.  

Applicants will have achieved a Grade 4 in both English & Maths. 

Applicants will have completed Level 2 Technical Certificate Hairdressing or Barbering Diploma, and have achieved Merit, Distinction or Distinction* grade to progress to this advanced level. Students may also have achieved an NVQ Diploma in Hairdressing or Barbering and have 3-5 years' experience in industry. Current WSC students wishing to progress to level 2 or 3 programmes, must have excellent attendance and have raised their achievement levels in year to progress on to higher level courses. This expectation also applies to Maths and English courses.

Campus The Academy of Hair and Beauty, West Suffolk College Sixth Form campus, Bury St Edmunds 
Work placements Yes

Is it for me?


This is a great course for anyone already in industry wanting to sharpen their shears, return to education and develop new skills, and those who have recently finished their Level 2 qualification. This course will allow you to upskill and offer a wider range of advanced services. 

Achievement of this qualification demonstrates to an employer that you will have the skills and knowledge of health and safety, customer service, advanced cutting, shaving and styling services required for you to be employed as a senior barber.  

You will develop study skills and the resilience to learn, fail, improve, and then master the skills required to be an advanced barber in this exciting and thriving industry.

What you'll learn

  • Cut hair using a combination of barbering techniques 

  • Design and create facial hair shapes 

  • Shaving services 

  • Barbering consultation services 

  • Colour and lighten men's hair 


Equipment required for the course

Yes, there will be a top up list available for those who have most tools in their kit, this will be provided on enrolment to the programme. Tuition heads are required for learning of techniques before moving to live models. A uniform polo shirt is also required to be worn whilst in the college salons, we will provide the order forms to you. 


Approximate cost of the polo shirt - £25 


At the start of the academic year, you may also need to consider an additional cost for membership to The Fellowship for British Hairdressing, trips and activities throughout the year. 


Work experience placements

Learners are required to find a work placement in a salon for at least one day per week, which will build relationships in the industry and could lead to employment in the future. 


This course has an end point practical assessment, similar to a trade test, this covers practical skills and behaviours of the professional barber. There will also be an end of course exam covering theory taught across all five units of barbering. You will be graded Pass/Merit/Distinction/Distinction*. 

Further study

Example careers


Senior Barber

Shop Owner

Days & times

Starting September 2025

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