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University & Professional Development

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Employers in the East of England have a long and proven history of providing outstanding products, design and support for the Engineering and Manufacturing sector. At NCTC we offer employers and learners the chance to learn, develop and nuture the skills required to ensure engineering and manufacturing remains a prominent economic driving force in the local area.

NCTC offers Apprenticeships in Engineering and a fantastic range of Business, Finance and Management Apprenticeships.

An Apprenticeship is an excellent way of getting started in your chosen career. You will have a paid job whilst also working towards an Apprenticeship in your industry area.

Apprenticeships available

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Level Qualification Equivalent to
2 Apprenticeship 5 GCSE passes
3 Advanced Apprenticeship 2 A Level passes
4 Higher Apprenticeship Foundation Degree, HNC or first year of an Undergraduate Degree
5 Higher Apprenticeship HND or second year of an Undergraduate Degree
6 Degree Apprenticeship Full Honours Degree

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? 01354 293 130

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