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Wherever possible, annual reviews will be carried out as online meetings over Microsoft Teams.

  • The Course Team will provide written feedback ahead of the meeting and this will be relayed by the chairperson during the meeting.
  • Parents/carers of students on a vocational course who are under 18 or students on a Supported Learning course of any age

You will be contacted a few weeks before the scheduled time to arrange the meeting.  We encourage students to attend their annual review meetings, so please arrange a time which gives your young person the opportunity to attend with you.

If you would like a social worker or other professional to be invited to the meeting, please email the address below with their contact details.  If the professional is unable to attend, they may wish to provide a written report instead.       

Although most annual reviews are arranged as online Microsoft Teams meetings, some annual reviews may need to take place as face-to-face meetings at college.  If there are no other attendees, you may prefer to arrange the annual review meeting as a telephone call.

Students on a vocational course who are 18 or over

If you are studying a vocational course and you are 18 or over, we will contact you directly to arrange the annual review meeting.  However, you may prefer to give us permission to contact your parent/carer to arrange the meeting.  If we are unable to contact you, we will arrange the meeting with your parent/carer.

Local Authority parent/carer forms

Parent/carer view forms will be sent out with your invite to the meeting by email. If you would like to download these yourself, please use the link below:

Please send these by email to the person who sent the invite to you, or return to

Process of Annual Reviews:

You will be contacted in advance of the Annual Review with the arrangements for the meeting.  We will make at least two attempts to contact you using the phone number/email address on the college system.  However, if we are unable to make contact, the annual review meeting will need to go ahead at the arranged time.  

If the Annual Review meeting time is not suitable, please get in touch and another appointment will be offered.  If you do not attend the rearranged meeting, the meeting will need to go ahead.  If you cannot attend, you may prefer to email your feedback for the Annual Review.

Contact our SEND & Learning Support Team: