- Where can I find support with my course?
- From your Personal Progress Tutor (PPT), or members of staff on your course. You can also come to the Learning Lounge In Suffolk House and speak to our team. DIRECTIONS: walk past the bistro and conservatory, turn left, walk up the stairs and open the double doors to the Learning Lounge.
- What kind of support is available to me?
- This depends on what needs you have. If you’re not sure and want more information, come and speak to us or email us at: sendserviceswsc@easterneducationgroup.ac.uk
- Who are the staff that can help me?
- There are lots of staff at West Suffolk College who are ready to support you. Have a look at the “Staff Roles list” on the Learning Support page to help you to see who you could speak to.
- How can I get help with my exams/assessments?
- Let us know if you have had any exam access arrangements before and we can help you find the right people to speak to.
- What if I’m nervous to come into college?
- Firstly, talk to members of staff, they will want to support you. We also offer “Meet and Greet”, for students with SEND who need support getting in and getting set up for the day.
- What is an EHCP?
- An Education, Health and Care Plan. If you had one in school, then this will still be in place when you join us at West Suffolk College.
- What is an annual review of an EHCP?
- This is a review of the targets and outcomes set out in the EHCP. This is done once a year to make sure that you are making progress and to review your support. You are asked to attend, along with a parent or carer and any other professionals that might support you.
- What if I’m worried about travelling into college?
- Please use the West Suffolk College website page to help with this: https://www.wsc.ac.uk/about-the-college/getting-to-the-college
- What if I need to use the lift due to my physical needs?
- Lift keys are available for students who need these. Please ask at reception for support with this.
- What if I have had access arrangements for exams?
- Access arrangements could be things such as extra time, or a scribe in exams.
If you had these in school, then you can ask for a form known as “Form8” and bring this to college to be processed so we can ensure you get the right support.
If you have an EHCP, then you do not need to do this, and the college will assess what needs to be in place.