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Advice & Help Centre

West Suffolk College is very pleased that you have decided to study with us. For Children in Care and Care Leavers we offer a support package to keep you on track.

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How we can support you

As a Child in Care or Care Leaver you will be offered a meeting once a term to meet with a welfare officer. These meetings are to:

  • Check how you are settling in to college life
  • Discuss available support from Student Welfare
  • Offer continued support
  • Discuss Future options/independent guidance advice
  • To complete your Personal Education Plan (PEPs) if they apply

Overall responsibility for Children in Care and Care Leavers is with Acting Student Welfare Manager, Claire Battey.

Please come to see staff in Student Welfare for support with:

  • Personal Issues
  • Health Issues
  • Sexual Health Issues
  • Drugs and Alcohol support
  • Advocacy
  • Relationships
  • Counselling
  • Benefit advice
  • Money Advice
  • Any safeguarding issues
  • Food Banks -if you do not have enough food at home or are worrying about the amount you have. please see the Student Welfare reception team and enquire about a food parcel.



If you are a Child in Care aged 16 to 18 on the 1st of September of the year you start your course, then you will be entitled to funding of £1200 for the academic year.

The award will be paid as fortnightly payments, paid evenly throughout the academic year based on the attendance. The funding can also be put towards:

  • Monies towards travel or an internal pass (please ask if you come under an internal route)
  • Equipment and uniform
  • Lunch vouchers The cost of any additional items will be taken off of your total award of £1200, reducing your fortnightly payments

Funding 19+

For Care Leavers aged 19 or over, funding is available for exam fees, travel, equipment, uniform, childcare and lunch vouchers. You can speak to anyone in Student Welfare about available funding.

Higher Education Funding

For Care Leavers aged 19 or over, funding is available for exam fees, travel, equipment, uniform, childcare and lunch vouchers. You can speak to anyone in Student Welfare about available funding.

Personal Progress Tutor

All students have a personal progress tutor. They will support you through your academic course. They will also be the first point of call for any of your needs on the course.


West Suffolk College recognises the challenges that young people face when they leave the care system and begin to live independently. We recognise that all parts of society have a responsibility to support care leavers so that they can make a successful transition to adulthood. We hereby make a commitment to undertake the following actions that will help improve care leavers’ life chances.