West Suffolk College ranked top of more than 170 further education provider colleges nationally with nearly 70 per-cent of students getting grades A* to C.
West Suffolk College has been ranked as the number one FE provider nationally for adult English GCSE achievement rates in 2018. The national qualification rate tables published recently show that the College is an impressive 29% above the national rate for adult English GCSE results, under the more challenging new English GCSE specification.
Deborah Barton, Head of Adult Skills and Employability said: “This success is down to our very committed teaching staff and dedicated students. Our team really support the adults that come to us, some of whom feel really nervous about coming back to the classroom. The staff support them both academically and personally to achieve and engage with the subject and go above and beyond to create adult specific sessions that the learners will find stimulating.
She added, “In addition, the students really benefit from the detailed feedback from their assessments and homework and this provides the support needed to ensure that the students keep coming back every week and that they know how they can improve to keep on achieving those high grades. In essence it’s just really good teaching”.
Jan Whelan English Lecturer said, “As Picasso said, the meaning of life is to find your gift, the purpose of life is to give it way. I feel as educators that we do that. If you are an adult who would like to return to education, please don’t be anxious, our job is to make it work for you”.
As well as triumphing in the English GCSE results the rate tables also showed that West Suffolk College are at number four across the country as an FE provider for adult maths GCSE results with achievement rates an impressive 28% above national rate.
Adult education is for those who may be looking for a career change, a chance to gain some career progression, learn for enjoyment or to perhaps qualify for other college or university courses.