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Download 16-18 prospectus

University & Professional Development

Download University & Professional Development prospectus

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Bad weather

You can’t change the weather but you can work around it. We’re hardy types in Suffolk, and we keep going in all but the most extreme conditions. It’s safe to assume we’re open unless we sleigh otherwise...

What happens if there is bad weather?

It is the aim of West Suffolk College to provide a complete and uninterrupted educational service to all of its students throughout the year, in all weather conditions, including periods where there may be extreme ice and snow either at the Main Campus or The Milburn Centre.

The college will stay open where possible to make sure a normal level of service is maintained, unless specifically broadcast on this website.

The safety of both staff and students will be a key consideration in deciding whether to reduce the level of service.

We'll endeavour to communicate access problems at the earliest opportunity and regular updates will be posted on the College’s homepage and its Twitter feed.