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University & Professional Development

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teacher training 1 850pxOur new Teacher Training courses are a great way to get qualified to be able to teach or train adults in further education, healthcare, museums, libraries, the police, prison or with private training providers.

The Award in Education and Training (previously known as PTLLS) starting in September 2019.

This is a Level 3 that runs for 13 weeks  on either a Tuesday evening or Wednesday afternoon

The is an introductory course to teaching and training. It will  help you understand the basics principles of teaching and learning to include the roles and responsibilities of a teacher, inclusive practice and assessment for learning. It is aimed at people new to teaching or have a training element to your job role It is also suitable for those considering a career in teaching or training .

For more information go to or contact

The Certificate in Education and Training  (previously known as CTLLS) starting in September 2019.  

This is a level 4 course that runs for 1 year on a Tuesday evening

The Pearson BTEC Level 4 Certificate in Education and Training is designed both for learners who are new to, or just about to start, teaching and those who are already in a teaching or training role and who need a formal teaching qualification in addition to their existing qualifications or experience.

It is suitable for anyone teaching or training in, for example,  community-based adult education, adult Basic Skills, work based learning, Further Education, healthcare, the police and emergency services, museums and libraries provision, private training providers and prison education.

The qualification should give learners the knowledge, understanding and skills they need to prepare for teaching employment in the education and training sector or develop within it.  A minimum of  30 hours teaching placement is required

For more information go to  or contact

The Diploma in Education and Training (previously known as DTLLS) starting in September 2019.

This is a level 5 course that runs for 2 years on  a Tuesday Evening

The Pearson BTEC Level 5 Diploma in Education and Training is a qualification for people delivering formal or informal learning or training programmes in post-16 education (learning and skills sector) in a variety of contexts. On successful completion individuals may be eligible to apply for QTLS status through the SET (subject to meeting all requirements). The Diploma is ideal for individuals who have access to a variety of teaching opportunities – such as different subject areas, different levels, different learning groups or different contexts (for example, development of both knowledge and skills). This can include individuals who are not currently teaching or training, individuals currently working as assessors who wish to achieve a teaching qualification (providing they can meet the practice requirements of 100 teaching placement ), or individuals who are currently involved in teaching and training, but want to achieve a qualification, or develop existing qualifications, as a part of their Continuing Professional Development.

For more information go to  or contact