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 MG 9694The Old Goods Shed is the location for the new West Suffolk College courses in Clare. 

Look out for our brand new adult courses this autumn all taught from Clare Castle Country Park.

A number of courses will be available to include French for beginners, Italian for beginners, Creative writing, Digital Photography and Pilates. The courses will be taught from the Old Goods Shed at the Park – a fantastic facility which is considered to be a landmark in the historic town of Clare.

David Ruddy, Executive Director of Adult Education and Community Learning said: "We are delighted that West Suffolk College is once again able to support people who live and work in Clare and its surrounding communities, where the opportunity to engage in adult education and lifelong learning has been absent for a number of years.

"Through the fantastic opportunity afforded us by Clare Castle Country Park, this exciting collaboration has enabled us to provide both formal and informal learning in a community venue where people feel comfortable and are able to develop skills and knowledge. Ultimately providing opportunities for social interaction, networking, collaboration and sharing, all of which drive the health of the local economy and of society in general."

Geoffrey Bray, Park Manager and Chairman at Clare Castle Country Park said: “An important purpose of the newly renovated Old Goods Shed in Clare is to provide educational programmes for local people and we are delighted to work with West Suffolk College who will provide such opportunities.”

Geoffrey continued, “Travel can be a major disincentive for people who want to learn so being able to offer a range of programmes in Clare is seen by the Trustees of Clare Castle Country Park as a major benefit.”

We will be hosting an open evening at the Old Goods Shed, Clare Castle Country Park on Wednesday 21st August 2019 from 4.00pm – 7.00pm where people are able to drop in to ask any questions they may have. 

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