Pictured: Elton D’Souza, Chair of Governors at West Suffolk College and Suffolk Academies Trust.
West Suffolk College and Suffolk Academies Trust Chair of Governors Elton D’Souza has been selected to be a National Leader of Governance (NLG) by the Department for Education.
NLGs have been established to provide mentoring and support to college governance boards and those with a ‘strong record of supporting college improvement’ are selected to take up the post. Elton, along with the team will provide peer-to-peer support to further education and sixth form colleges where governance and leadership needs to improve.
When commenting on his new appointment Elton said: “I am proud and excited to have been appointed NLG. Proud because it is testament to what has been achieved by both West Suffolk College and Suffolk Academies Trust for students in the community we serve, and excited to be working alongside some of the best leaders in the education sector.”
The NLGs will work alongside the National Leaders of Further Education (NLFEs) and will also be working closely with the Department for Education, Education and Skills Funding Agency and the FE Commissioner.
FE Commissioner Richard Atkins said: “My team and I look forward to working alongside these outstanding college leaders, governors and clerks in ensuring that colleges are in a strong and sustainable position to provide an outstanding quality of education.”
Nikos Savvas, Chief Executive of Suffolk Academies Trust and West Suffolk College commented: “We are very proud of what is being achieved across the Eastern region by Abbeygate Sixth Form College, One Sixth Form College and West Suffolk College. I am not surprised. The hard work of our students and staff in being enabled and underpinned by our exceptionally strong governance. Elton’s appointment as an NLG further highlights the exceptionally high standards our Governors and Colleges have. It is yet another feather in the Eastern Region’s cap.”
When asked what this will mean for Suffolk Academies Trust and West Suffolk College Elton explained: “Joining the team of NLGs and NLFEs will offer us a unique insight into the highest performing Colleges and Trusts in the country. We can then share best practice that will inform our strategy to develop and grow for the benefit of our community and region.”