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BE NICE SOCIALStudents from the Prince's trust TEAM Programme used their Community Project to help buy goods to donate to Tayfen House in Bury St Edmunds.

A community project organised by our Prince’s Trust students proves kindness is the best gift one can receive.

The students fundraised and bought lots of items such as food, water, hand sanitiser, sanitary products, hats and gloves for those in need in the local town. The items were taken to Tayfen House in Bury St Edmunds.

This was for their Community Project and was chosen by the students so they could learn more about the homeless and help in any way they could. They found that most people who are homeless are not necessarily sleeping on the streets but possibly sofa surfing or staying in temporary accommodation.

“With these struggles as well as the current COVID-19 situation they felt they needed to help in some way,” explained Jade Peck, Prince’s Trust Programme Lead. “So as well as an awareness video, they created two very large boxes filled with essential items.”

Jack DeBondt, Prince's Trust TEAM participant, added: "We made the hampers to try and combat the ever growing problem that is homelessness. Our Prince’s Trust Team raised money to go and buy the essential things we believed they would need to help survive. By doing this we hoped it would leave a lasting impact on the local community so that people would then know how to help, if they can and where to get help if they need it."

Neal Tarbet, National Citizen Service (NCS) Keyworker, who delivered the goods, added: “It was a privilege to be able to drop off the donated goods from the Prince’s Trust students. The staff at Tayfen House were surprised and grateful at the amount of gifts that had been collected. The students have worked hard to put together a large amount of care packages, in such difficult times it is great to see young people considering and helping those that are less fortunate.”

Steph Paterson, Project Co-ordinator for The Havebury Housing Partnership, said: “It was so kind of your students to donate and fundraise for the fantastic donation of care packages for our residents in the Tayfen House Service. The residents and staff at Tayfen are incredibly grateful for the thought and effort the students have put into making this donation possible.

“Please pass on our sincere thanks to your students and all of those involved in making your donation of care packages. We also pass on our thoughts and wishes to everyone to stay safe and well in these challenging times.”