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Our creative and technical departments joined forces last Tuesday to ensure their popular end of year showcase could go ahead virtually.

In its second year, ‘VeXeD’ is the annual exhibition created and led by the School of Art & Design and includes work from a range of different courses including Art & Design, Hair, Beauty & Barbering, Graphic Design and Interactive Media.

The end of year show is one of the most popular events on our college calendar and last year saw attendance from over 1500 people. It is believed that we are the only college in the UK to hold a virtual end of year exhibition of this magnitude.

Derek Johnson, Director of The School of Art & Design said: “This year we are in lockdown but this was never going to dampen the creativity, skill, endeavour and soul of our students and staff. The work we have seen as part of VeXeD this year has been all the more impressive given the fact it was developed at home with very limited resources. I think it has been our greatest ever achievement.

Derek continued: We wish our students the very best for the future – in the next step of their education and in rewarding careers that await them through their hard work, open minds, creativity and resilience.”

The exhibition has been fully supported by UAL (University of the Arts London), who have now invited the School of Art and Design to run a ‘takeover’ of their blog for two weeks. This will enable the team to communicate with others on how they managed to produce such a fantastic online showcase.

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