This competition is now closed. Congratulations to all the winners and thank you for taking part. If you'd like to view the list of winners, plus pictures and videos, please go to
The world is full of amazing molecules. Some that you taste and smell every day, others that make you better when you are feeling ill. From simple water molecules all around us to more complex structures like Aspirin, molecules are all around us. Which molecule do you find amazing? Is there a chemical that you think should have superhero status?
About the Competition
We would like you to make a model of your favourite molecule and explain what makes this chemical so fantastic.
You can use any materials that you have in your house to make this model
Be creative and bold
You will need to do a little research first to help give you some ideas!
Ideas to get you started
- Atoms and Compounds introduction (BBC)
- What is an Atom or a Molecule? (MocomiKids -YouTube)
- Introduction to Atoms and Molecules (makemeagenius - YouTube)
- Cool examples of molecules that have changed the world (Cosmos Magazine)
Examples of interesting molecules for GCSE and A level (Master Organic Chemistry)
The entries will be judged on a photo of your model and the explanation of why you think your molecule is so amazing.
We have 3 age categories for you to enter:
- Up to and including Year 6
- Year 7 – 10
- Year 11 – 13
We have some amazing prizes on offer for 1st, 2nd and 3rd places!
How to enter
This competition is now closed. Congratulations to all the winners and thank you for taking part. If you'd like to view videos, please go to