For the first ever time, we will be holding our annual student celebration event virtually - with the event available to watch online from Monday 29 June 2020.
The annual ‘Celebration of Achievement’ is one of the biggest events on our college calendar and sees students from across the region honoured for their outstanding achievements and successes. The Celebration of Achievement 2020 will be recorded and played so students are still celebrated and recognised despite the current circumstances.
The event will feature over 70 students who have all received awards for being outstanding in their subjects, whilst often in the face of adversity. The students are also recognised for displaying one or more of our character strengths: ambition, confidence, curiosity, optimism, ownership, resilience, respect and self-control.
Han Schofield, Director of Production and Performing Arts will be hosting, and the event will also feature a speech from Dr Nikos Savvas, Chief Executive of Suffolk Academies Trust and West Suffolk College.
Health and Social Care apprentice Stacie Wallace, has been awarded the prize for ‘Outstanding and Resilient Apprentice of the Year during COVID-19.’ Stacie’s tutor said: “During the pandemic Stacie was deployed from day surgery to ICU where she embraced training. Despite being anxious, she remained professional and compassionate to the very end whilst fully engaging with her learning.”
Stacie said: “Once I have completed my course, I hope to move on and eventually do my training to become an Operating Department Practitioner. It has always been my dream to one day qualify into this role. Because of this course, I am determined to push for achieve my goals. I always doubted myself and my ability to be able to train in this, but thanks to West Suffolk College, I can see that it is now a realistic goal for me.”
Alex Fuller, studies Computing and has been awarded the award for ‘Outstanding high achievement’ after recently producing an app for the college’s STEM Innovation Campus. Alex’s Tutor said: “This has been a phenomenal achievement for Alex who has also always produced exceptional coursework. We are now looking to use the app as a department for our own college events.”
The event will also see group awards with the college’s EAL (English as Additional Language) students being recognised for their ‘Weekly commitment to ongoing learning showing amazing levels of resilience and ambition to overcome barriers to learning, whilst having fun and supporting each other as a group.’ Anne Short, Programme Manager said: “These students come from all over the world, with first languages that are often not Roman script, and a variety of cultures; yet they consistently pull together showing respect for one another as a team and are totally inclusive. Life is a challenge for them however they consistently show optimism, confidence and self control and support each other in and out of college. Their success as a group should be celebrated!”
The EAL group have already taken part in a virtual ‘Oscars-like’ awards ceremony but will also be recognised during Monday’s Celebration event.
The Celebration of Achievement 2020 will be shown at 2.30pm and again at 7.00pm on Monday 29 June. You can watch it directly on the college’s online TV channel: