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hub photo shopsEnjoy an amazing exhibition of art by our photography students

An exhibition of work by 29 students studying for the Art and Design Foundation Diploma in the School of Art and Design.

The works on show in this exhibition demonstrate the diverse interests and talents of our students. Staff from across the School of Art and Design teach, guide, encourage and support students in techniques and media that span the vast variety of contemporary artistic practice. The exhibition focuses on the desires and convictions of the artists themselves and has resulted in an eclectic array of work which is both provocative and seductive.

The show contains works of both traditional and digital media - painting, print, sculpture, photography, fashion, collage, conceptual, mixed media and computer-generated work to name just a few. The aim of the exhibition is to provide a platform for our students to explore and improve their employability, professionalise their practice and establish connections with prospective clients, businesses buyers and the broader community.

Through a market research project with year two Business & Marketing students the desire for more cultural venues in Bury St. Edmunds was established thus shaping hub...’s activities. The exhibition was conceived to occupy and repurpose two vacant retail properties in Bury St Edmunds, and bring contemporary art to the heart of our historic town. Due to the second lockdown, exhibition plans were put in jeopardy – however, staff and students across the college worked together to find a way of embracing COVID-19 restrictions and have developed the use and promotion of a virtual gallery space.

hub... Gallery is a part of the West Suffolk Central hub... a concept developed as part of the NASCENT department of West Suffolk College and funded by the European Social Fund. This year hub... will facilitate exhibitions, events, opportunities and happenings via a ‘pop-up’ model with the intent of establishing a permanent venue next year. The aim of hub… is to strengthen community engagement, develop business connections, embed employability skills and deepen cross curricular collaborations that are professional, inspiring, creative and future focused on every level.

View the exhibition from 10 to 31 December 2020