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University Studies at West Suffolk CollegeUEA’s Pro-Vice Chancellor (Academic) Prof Neil Ward and Dr Christopher Meredith, Executive Dean of University Studies at West Suffolk College

An exciting partnership between University Studies at West Suffolk College and the University of East Anglia (UEA) will see a range of new UEA-validated degrees delivered at the Bury St Edmunds campus from September 2021.

All new degree students joining the College’s University Studies provision from September will be enrolling onto the globally-recognised UEA-award, and those that graduate will receive their degree from UEA.

The University Studies team have undertaken the biggest simultaneous degree-writing programme in the college’s history to offer this range of new and revised courses, designed by University Studies academics for students who might especially benefit from a smaller, more local university-level experience. Degrees range from counselling to engineering, psychology to music production, the humanities, business, video games design, policing, and virtual reality design. A total of 15 UEA degree routes will come online for the University Studies provision at West Suffolk College this year, at one of the lowest tuition fee levels in the region.

Dr Christopher Meredith, Executive Dean of University Studies at West Suffolk College said: “The expansion of our work with the UEA represents an unparalleled opportunity for our students, who can receive a world-class award by staying local to their own area. We are enormously excited to be strengthening our work with the UEA for the benefit of our students and our region.”

University Studies at West Suffolk College is designed to give students all the support of a local collegiate environment with the academic rigour of a top 25 UK University, and forms a key part of the

College’s response to the new government white paper focussed on delivering higher technical qualifications in the region.

The 2020 National Student Survey exercise, run by Ipsos Mori, saw University Studies receive one of the highest overall student satisfaction rates in Suffolk, Norfolk and Essex combined, landing WSC second only to the UEA and reinforcing how beneficial the partnership between UEA and University Studies will be for students studying locally.

When commenting on the partnership, UEA’s Pro-Vice-Chancellor (Academic) Prof Neil Ward, said: “We are delighted that West Suffolk College is expanding its partnership with UEA from September 2021. This reinforces UEA’s commitment to developing higher education in our region and we are excited to be working with West Suffolk College to support the further development of its provision.”

Applications are open to apply to study at University Studies, West Suffolk College from September. For anyone that has already applied to study at university through UCAS and has used all five choices but does not yet hold offers, you will be eligible to use UCAS Extra between 25th February and 4th July 2021.

For more information, head to the website.