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University & Professional Development

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Sports Department Staff with Employer

On Friday 3 September the sports department hosted a number of industry experts at our annual careers engagement event.

A lot happened throughout the day, where our students got an insight from various employers working within sport. The day included nine employers from seven different sporting backgrounds which saw students hand CVs to employers they are interested in doing their work experience with.

This event not only improves student options but builds on the department's employer relationships and bridges the gap between employers and students within the education department.

We would like to thank the continued work from staff and employers as we look to build strong links and create connections in the local community. Connections in the local community included employers such as - Sporting 87, Gait & Motion, Bury Physio, Premier, Lynx Fitness, Go Ape, Barrow Playground, The Health Hub, Eveyone Active. Finally a special mention to Ryan Taylor from the sports department and David Butler the departments work experience officer.

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