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Overview of course

At West Suffolk College in Bury St Edmunds we offer high level tuition and revision for ACCA Applied Skills Exams.  These are delivered as a modular approach approximately every 3 months as follows:


Performance Management - 3 September 2024 - 3 December 2024


Students will learn to:


  • explain and apply cost accounting techniques
  • select and appropriately apply decision-making techniques to facilitate business decisions, and promote efficient and effective use of scarce business resources, appreciating the risks and uncertainty inherent in business and controlling those risks
  • identify and apply appropriate budgeting techniques and methods for planning and control, and use standard costing systems to measure and control business performance and to identify remedial action
  • identify and discuss performance management information and measurement systems, and assess the performance of an organisation from both a financial and non-financial viewpoint, appreciating the problems of controlling divisionalised businesses and the importance of allowing for external aspects


Audit and Assurance - 10 December 2024 - 25 February 2025


Students will learn to:


  • explain the concept of audit and assurance and the functions of audit, corporate governance, including ethics and professional conduct, describing the scope and distinguishing between the functions of internal and external audit
  • demonstrate how the auditor obtains and accepts audit engagements, obtains an understanding of the entity and its environment, assesses the risk of material misstatement (whether arising from fraud or other irregularities) and plans an audit of financial statements
  • describe and evaluate internal controls, techniques and audit tests, including IT systems to identify and communicate control risks and their potential consequences, making appropriate recommendations
  • identify and describe the work and evidence obtained by the auditor and others required to meet the objectives of audit engagements and the application of the International Standards on Auditing (ISAs)
  • explain how consideration of subsequent events and the going concern principle can inform the conclusions from audit work and are reflected in different types of auditor's report, written representations and the final review and report.


Taxation - 4 March 2025 - 27 May 2025


At the end of the module, students will be in a position to:


  • Explain the operation and scope of the tax system and the obligations of tax payers and/or their agents and the implications of non-compliance
  • Explain and compute the income tax liabilities of individuals and the effect of national insurance contributions (NIC) on employees, employers and the self-employed
  • Explain and compute the chargeable gains arising on individuals
  • Explain and compute the inheritance tax liabilities of individuals
  • Explain and compute the corporation tax liabilities of individual companies and groups of companies
  • Explain and compute the effects of value added tax on incorporated and unincorporated businesses.


Financial Reporting - September 2025 - December 2025


Topics include:


  • The conceptual and regulatory framework for financial reporting
  • Accounting for transactions in financial statements
  • Analysing and interpreting financial statements
  • Preparation of financial statements


Financial Management - December 2025 - February 2026

Students will learn to:


  • discuss the role and purpose of the financial management function
  • assess and discuss the impact of the economic environment on financial management
  • discuss and apply working capital management techniques
  • carry out effective investment appraisal
  • identify and evaluate alternative sources of business finance
  • discuss and apply principles of business and asset valuations
  • explain and apply risk management techniques in business.


Performance Management - March 2026


Students will learn to:


  • explain and apply cost accounting techniques
  • select and appropriately apply decision-making techniques to facilitate business decisions, and promote efficient and effective use of scarce business resources, appreciating the risks and uncertainty inherent in business and controlling those risks
  • identify and apply appropriate budgeting techniques and methods for planning and control, and use standard costing systems to measure and control business performance and to identify remedial action
  • identify and discuss performance management information and measurement systems, and assess the performance of an organisation from both a financial and non-financial viewpoint, appreciating the problems of controlling divisionalised businesses and the importance of allowing for external aspects


Course to be delivered at West Suffolk College, Bury St Edmunds per module as follows.


Tuition Days -6 days


Revision Days - 2 days


Cost - £950 per module 



Entry requirements

AAT Level 4 or equivalent and subject to interview by tutor.

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For further details please contact us on 01284 716246 or email


Days & times

Please contact us for dates and further information
Tuesday 09:15 - 16:30

Course price


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