Quick facts
Qualification type | This will differ depending on what course you select. The list of courses and their levels is listed below. |
Duration | 1 year |
Study times | Students who do the full 15 hours will be in 2 and a half days a week. A full day is 9:00am till 4pm |
Entry requirements | Students must be home-educated for at least 6 months before starting a course with us. |
Campus | West Suffolk College Sixth Form Campus, Bury St Edmunds |
Work placements | No |
Is it for me?
Our Elective Home Education (EHE) courses offer a person-centred approach to meeting the individual learning and development needs of its students within a safe, supportive and engaging environment.
EHE courses are provided as an addition to a student's established home education plan and gives them an opportunity to build upon their skills. Students can study up to a maximum of 450 hours per year in college, which equates to a maximum of 15 hours per week.
Our team of dedicated and specialist staff provide a diverse range of study programmes which are designed to help students make positive progress towards their chosen learning, life and work goals.
What you'll learn
Students have the chance to study up to 4 subjects (depending on course hours). We currently offer courses within the following areas:
- English GCSE or Functional skills
- Maths GCSE or Functional skills
- Science Combined BTEC
- History GCSE
- Computer Science GCSE
- Creative Art Level 1
- Art & Design Level 1
- Art & Design Level 2
- Hairdressing Level 1
- Beauty Level 1
- Hospitality & Catering Level 1
- Music Level 2 UAL
- Health and Social care (Introduction to Care for Children and Adults) Level1
- Childcare Level 1
- Geography GCSE
- French
Equipment required for the course
All students are advised to bring a pen and paper to lessons. Course specific equipment lists will be sent out once subject choices have been confirmed.
Work experience placements
There are no requirements for students to complete a work placement.
Depending on your chosen subjects, you will be assessed via exams, coursework, or controlled assessments.
Further study
Most students choose to stay with West Suffolk College and access the 16+ provision upon completion of their EHE course, others may go on to an Apprenticeship.
Whatever your progression route, your tutors/support team will help you with your choices, application and will help prepare you for your next steps.
Days & times
Starting September 2025