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Download 16-18 prospectus

University & Professional Development

Download University & Professional Development prospectus

This study programme is designed for 16 to 19 year olds (aged 19 to 24 for students with an Education, Health and Care Plan).

All courses take place on our Sixth Form Campus, therefore any applicants aged 25+ or over who do not have an Education, Health and Care Plan may be required to complete a DBS check as part of the conditional offer to West Suffolk College. The cost to the applicant for a DBS is £30.00 and the DBS check can be completed through the college.

Please visit our Adult EducationDegrees and Employer section for alternative courses.

Quick facts

Qualification type Advanced Extended Level 3 Diploma
Duration 2 years
Study times You will be expected to be in college for a minimum of 3 days per week, from 9:15 to 4:00. Your timetable will be confirmed at induction.
Entry requirements

Entry is by interview. You will need either a minimum of five GCSE passes at grade 4 or above (including maths and English), or a Level 2 qualification at Merit or above and GCSE Maths and English at grade 4 or above.

Campus West Suffolk College Sixth Form Campus, Bury St Edmunds
Work placements 40 hrs in each year of the course

Is it for me?

This vocational course introduces the key areas of working within the Police, giving you the opportunity to investigate the skills required to work within the sector. You will also learn about the external organisations that impact on, and influence, the police.   
The course outlines the personal commitment and fitness needed to work in policing through weekly training sessions. It's run by an inspiring team of qualified lecturers with policing experience and will encourage your talents within an active and challenging environment. 
You will develop your abilities in communication, problem-solving, and interpersonal skills, ensuring you meet the requirements for this mentally challenging and physically demanding sector. 
You will also have the opportunity to participate in residential activities to develop your teamwork and practical skills. 
Equivalent to three A Levels, this course allows progression to a degree in Policing, or employment in the Police. 

What you'll learn

The course consists of a number of units including: 

  • Preparing for a career in the police service 
  • Developing leadership skills 
  • Equality, diversity, and inclusion 
  • Preparation for Higher Education 
  • Developing aspects of physical fitness for entry to the police service 
  • Mental and physical wellbeing in the police 
  • Understanding management and personal protection 
  • Volunteering in the police service 
  • Understanding mental health
  • Safeguarding and the Prevent Duty 

Students who do not have GCSE grade 4 in English and Maths will be required to continue with a course of study throughout their time at college. 

Equipment required for the course

Students will be required to provide their own equipment and access to a computer outside of college is highly recommended. There may be a requirement to make a contribution towards the cost of trips which will be arrange throughout the course.   
Learners will also be required to have a sports kit, walking boots and outdoor clothing. 

Work experience placements

You will be required to take part in a minimum of 40hrs volunteer work each year in the local community to help develop your skills.  


All work all internally assessed by a variety of methods, including practical and physical tasks, written assessments and reports, verbal presentations, and self-evaluation. Each unit has 3-4 assessments and work is submitted via Microsoft Teams.  

Further study

Example careers

  • Police Officer  
  • Police Staff 
  • Ministry of Defence Police  
  • Military Police  
  • Civil Nuclear Police 

Days & times

Starting September 2025

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