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Choosing what to study can be challenging. Speak to one of our advisors to find out what your options are.

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Get Involved

Working with us

West Suffolk College are keen for students to connect with local and national organisations and hear from industry experts.  There are several ways in which you can help us to help you gain the workforce of the future.

Offering an industry or classroom visit to promote your trade, company or industry

  • Would you like to promote your industry, company or trade on the different roles and opportunities possible to our students and staff?
  • Could you offer an Employer Spotlight session, to talk about your career journey to help inspire our learners’?
  • Provide an online/virtual class presentation on opportunities within your organisation and what you look for when recruiting. 
  • Would you like to deliver a class talk/presentation or attend a Careers Event  to promote your industry or tell us about opportunities within your company?

To get involved, complete our Employer vacancy form below.

Job and Careers Events

  • Would you be willing to attend a virtual Jobs Fair?

Provide a Traineeship placement

Could you offer a short-term unpaid work placement for one of our students on the Traineeship programme one or two days a week?

What is a Traineeship?

A traineeship is a fantastic way for you as an employer to develop a strong pipeline of new talent whilst supporting young people on the road to employment.

Take on an Apprentice

Would you consider taking on an apprentice? Check out our Apprenticeships page for employers which gives advice on funding you can get as an employer and speak with our apprenticeships team.