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Download 16-18 prospectus

University & Professional Development

Download University & Professional Development prospectus

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Advice & Help Centre

This study programme is designed for 16 to 19 year olds (aged 19 to 24 for students with an Education, Health and Care Plan).

All courses take place on our Sixth Form Campus, therefore any applicants aged 25+ or over who do not have an Education, Health and Care Plan may be required to complete a DBS check as part of the conditional offer to West Suffolk College. The cost to the applicant for a DBS is £30.00 and the DBS check can be completed through the college.

Please visit our Adult EducationDegrees and Employer section for alternative courses.

Is it for me?

For young people with an EHCP who are ready to engage with an employer.

In most cases, these young people will have already completed a programme at West Suffolk College which has helped them to prepare and become 'ready to engage' with an employer.

Supported Internships provide an opportunity for students to take on job roles and responsibilities and work as part of a team in fully functioning workplace settings with the support of an Employability Coach.

Students on a Supported Internship will explore, develop and apply the skills to:

  • Take on a range of job roles and responsibilities.
  • Work positively with co-workers towards shared goals and outcomes.
  • Become more confident and independent in a variety of workplace situations.
  • Work through problems and reach solutions.

Employability Coaches will be aiming to gradually reduce the support needed by an Intern over the duration of their placement in order to prepare the Intern to be as independent as possible in the workplace. Interns may go on to gain paid employment or an Apprenticeship after completing a Supported Internship.

What you'll learn

A Supported Internship consists of one day in college which focuses on building your employability skills and making progress towards your work-related learning goals and two days spent off site working with an employer in the workplace. Depending on the needs of the employer and the student, work placements may be supported by a dedicated Employability Coach. Work placements are matched to your own interests and career aspirations where possible.

Days & times

Date(s) to be confirmed

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