Download our prospectus


Download 16-18 prospectus

University & Professional Development

Download University & Professional Development prospectus

Not sure? No problem

Choosing what to study can be challenging. Speak to one of our advisors to find out what your options are.

Advice & Help Centre

This study programme is designed for 16 to 19 year olds (aged 19 to 24 for students with an Education, Health and Care Plan).

All courses take place on our Sixth Form Campus, therefore any applicants aged 25+ or over who do not have an Education, Health and Care Plan may be required to complete a DBS check as part of the conditional offer to West Suffolk College. The cost to the applicant for a DBS is £30.00 and the DBS check can be completed through the college.

Please visit our Adult EducationDegrees and Employer section for alternative courses.

Quick facts

Qualification type Pre-Entry and Entry Level 1 RARPA
Duration TBC
Study times Starting September, students will be in college four days per week, from 9:00am to 3:00pm.
Entry requirements

Students must have an Educational Health and Care Plan (EHCP), be working at pre-entry or entry level and previously educated in a special school or special provision in a mainstream setting. They will need to participate in a pre-programme assessment and transition activities.

Campus West Suffolk College Sixth Form Campus, Bury St Edmunds
Work placements No

Is it for me?

The Pathway to Adulthood programme focuses on preparing students to progress onto living as independently as possible in the future.  
On this course you will explore, develop, and apply skills that will allow you to express yourself and communicate in different scenarios and settings, and practice independent living tasks that you are likely to come across in the home and the community.  
Based at the West Suffolk College sixth form campus, students can actively engage in college, community and social activities, whilst working positively alongside a range of different people to achieve goals. 

What you'll learn

At the beginning of each year, you will be supported to produce a PATH (Planning Alternative Tomorrows with Hope). Your PATH will identify your hopes, dreams and ambitions for the future and shape your learning journey towards future goals that are meaningful to you.  
Your goals may include: 

  • Independence: basic home management tasks, using basic kitchen equipment, attending local leisure facilities, making simple meals and snacks, managing your break and lunchtimes, using computer facilities. 
  • English: developing your communication skills, using a phone, computer skills, functional reading and writing skills. 
  • Maths: managing money and making a simple budget, functional time, number and measuring skills.  
  • Employability: problem solving skills, getting organised for learning activities and following instructions, community projects and taking part in taster activities with supported employment providers.  
  • Personal and Social Development: making choices, managing friendships, working with others, keeping healthy and trying new activities.  
  • Thrive: participating in Forest Schools, healthy living and sport and communication. 

Equipment required for the course

All students are advised to bring a pen and paper to lessons.  

Work experience placements

There are no requirements for students to complete a work placement.  


Progress towards your goals will be tracked using RARPA (Recognising and Recording Progress and Achievement) and monitored on your Individual Learning Plan throughout the year. If you are demonstrating that you are ready to progress onto a Maths or English Functional Skills qualification/unit, this will be included within your RARPA goals on your Individual Learning Plan. 

Further study

Through a person-centred approach to learning, Pathway to Adulthood ensures that students are continually making progress towards the next stage of their plans for moving into adulthood and preparing to live as independently as possible in the future. Students may continue on this Pathway for a second year or, if appropriate, move onto the Pathway to Employment. 

Days & times

Starting September 2025