About the course
Each individual will be fully assessed by our professional tutors and advised which qualification would best suit his/her needs. Student often find attending a functional skills class beneficial, prior to starting GCSE.
If English is not your first language, we will ask you to do an initial ESOL assessment. We offer a range of ESOL classes which may suit your needs better than a GCSE.
Entry requirements
You will need to have either a Functional skills Level 2 English qualification or achieve the minimum standard required during the assessment to be accepted onto the course.
AQA English - new specification (grades 1-9)
What you'll learn (core modules)
The tutor will prepare learners for exam entry for GCSE which is completed in June 2026. The course consists of the preparation for two written examination papers - one in Reading and one in Directed Writing. There is also a Speaking and Listening component which is assessed by a short oral presentation and interview.
This is an intensive GCSE course so it is expected that learners will attend each lesson and spend an equivalent amount of time studying/doing homework between lessons.
How will I be assessed?
Exams will take place May/June 2026
Where is the course delivered? (facilities/classrooms)
Course runs at the University and Professional Development Centre on Western Way. There may be an element of face to face and remote learning.
Where will this course take me?
This is a recognised qualification for career progression or to qualify for other college/university courses.
How much will it cost?
The course is free if you :
do not already hold a grade C/5 or above @ GCSE in this subject and are a UK citizen living in the UK for the last 3 years or you have an eligible residency status (please ask us for further details)
Days & times
Date(s) to be confirmed