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Level 3

Whether progressing from AAT Level 2 Certificate in Accounting, progressing from another book keeping qualification, or joining the course with work experience, with this course you will master more complex financial processes, including final accounts for sole traders and partnerships, management accounting, professional ethics and spreadsheets, making it perfect for anyone interested in a career in book keeping, or who wants to go on to become a fully qualified accountant.


We have daytime and evening classes available for September. 

The daytime course is on a Thursday and will run once a week from 9:15am - 4:30pm. 

The evening course is will run twice a week (on Tuesdays and Thursdays), 6pm - 9pm. 

Please specify which option suits you better during enrolment. 

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Aimed at experienced bookkeepers, this qualification studies areas such as double entry bookkeeping, financial statements and indirect tax (VAT).

If you successfully complete this qualification, you can apply for AAT associate bookkeeping membership and achieve professional AAT Bookkeeper status (AATQB).

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Aimed at experienced bookkeepers, this qualification studies areas such as double entry bookkeeping, financial statements and indirect tax (VAT).

If you successfully complete this qualification, you can apply for AAT associate bookkeeping membership and achieve professional AAT Bookkeeper status (AATQB).


The course is due to start in April 2025. 

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An Advanced Apprenticeship is a job with an accompanying skills development programme designed by employers in the sector. It allows you to gain technical knowledge and real practical experience while being paid to do so. Along with functional and personal skills that are needed for your immediate job and future career you will learn through a mix of project based learning in the workplace, formal off the job training, and the opportunity to practice and embed new skills in a real work context.

An Assistant Accountant provides support to internal and external customers and will work predominately either as an assistant accountant within practice or alternatively within the finance function of an organisation. Part of their role will involve assisting in the day to day financial activities such as data entry to month end management accounts and/or year-end financial statements. In addition the Assistant Accountant may find themselves involved in regulatory financial requirements such as the completion of VAT returns or assisting in the preparation of tax computations.

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An Advanced Apprenticeship is a job with an accompanying skills development programme designed by employers in the sector. It allows you to gain technical knowledge and real practical experience while being paid to do so. Along with functional and personal skills that are needed for your immediate job and future career you will learn through a mix of project based learning in the workplace, formal off the job training, and the opportunity to practice and embed new skills in a real work context.

Business administrators have a highly transferable set of knowledge, skills and behaviours that can be applied in all sectors. This includes small and large businesses alike; from the public sector, private sector and charitable sector. The role may involve working independently or as part of a team and will involve developing, implementing, maintaining and improving administrative services. Business administrators develop key skills and behaviours to support their own progression towards management responsibilities.
The business administrator is expected to deliver their responsibilities efficiently and with integrity - showing a positive attitude. The role involves demonstrating strong communication skills (both written and verbal) and adopting a proactive approach to developing skills. The business administrator is also expected to show initiative, managing priorities and own time, problem-solving skills, decision-making and the potential for people management responsibilities through mentoring or coaching others.

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