Overview of course
Decision making is everywhere in our professional and personal lives - from what clothes we wear for an interview, deciding which supplier to work with or what business plan we should choose to execute. Following a structured decision-making process assures us that we are considering all our needs and all the possible outcomes.
This course will enable the learner to identify the key differences between fast and slow thinking - sometimes referred to as 'system 1' and 'system 2' thinking. The course will equip the learner with an understanding of how we use fast and slow thinking to inform ourselves about the decisions we make.
Learners will gain an understanding of how to outline the strategies that aim to help improve personal decision making.
What will I learn?
Section 1: Thinking fast and slow
Identify the key differences between system 1 and system 2 thinking and how we use each to inform the decisions we make.
Section 2: Decisions, decisions
Outline strategies that aim to help improve personal decision making.
How Will I Be Assessed:
You will be assessed throughout your study by a series of assessment questions which are built into the course. Your answers are automatically saved and are available for you to revise and edit at any point before submission.
Level CPD Certified
Who is the course for?
To be eligible for this course you must:
Be aged 19+ on the 31st of August 2024
Live in the UK for 3 years/live in UK from EEA or have *Pre-settlement or *Settled status from the Home Office (*proof required)
Due to Government funding criteria, we are unable to accept learners who live in London, Scotland, Wales, N Ireland, Ireland or a devolved postcode areas. Please check with us if you are unsure.
Will I have to provide anything?
This course is a fully online, self-directed, independent study course. Students must have use of a laptop to complete this course and must meet the eligibility criteria.
Am I ready to start?
Providing you meet the entry requirements detailed above this is course is fully funded and there are no fees to pay.
If you are not eligible to be fully funded but would like to complete the course, please contact your local PPL centre and they will be able to advise you on full cost (fee paying) options.
I'm interested. What should I do now?
Please complete the enrolment form by clicking the 'ENROL NOW' button
We will then send you, via email, the information to access the learning portal and begin your short Online Self-Study course.
Days & times
Starting 01/08/2024